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Rainy Day

N Corp Feather
The Nest of District 14 rarely had rainy days. In most cases, people carry umbrellas due to the sun's heat. This happened to be a different day, so it turned out, as raindrops poured down this feather's path.
For something like the empty skies, Vediovis didn't particularly care if they turned out a little damp. There wouldn't be anyone to complain about it to, anyhow.
Here, it was a particularly hard rain, and she ended up entering the Wing completely soaked in water. Many heads turned to see their coworker drenched, almost without a care.

N Corp Feather
It was raining. Sorry.
They told someone, turning away to head towards her workspace so as not to cause any more of a scene. She can clean up in her part of the laboratory, no problem.
...Is what she told herself, right before bumping into a certain somebody. Vediovis practically crashes onto the floor, and almost immediately scrambles to pick up their things.

N Corp Director
Vediovis. You're wet.
Sure enough, the situation got worse, as Hermann happened to be the one standing over them. The feather's face shifts from the usual neutral to a sudden fluster.

N Corp Feather
Director...Director, I am so sorry—Are you hurt?

N Corp Director
No, not at all. Do stand up.
She stands up, and Hermann takes one good look. Her own uniform was a little wet from collateral now. The Director can't help but sigh just a little.

N Corp Director
Now, you know it's always better to be prepared.

N Corp Feather
Yes...Yes, it just slipped my mind.

N Corp Director
Come. Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?
Cleaned up? Vediovis suddenly grows nervous. But nonetheless, they follow accordingly. The two of them walk together, where Vediovis tries not to let the concerned faces around them get to her. They were probably thinking, "She's going to die." with how water drips at their very trail.
Soon enough, they reach where the feather usually works, and the director takes out a handkerchief. Seating the other down, she gently wipes the more affected parts of Vediovis' head.

N Corp Feather
...Director? I'm alright, I can...find a new coat, at least.

N Corp Director
You could get sick if you don't dry yourself immediately. I am simply making sure this doesn't happen.
Questions start to pop up in the back of Vediovis' mind. No, even before this, there were quite a few instances where Hermann would help out on something. She often saw it as an act of mercy rather than something favorable. Now, however, it's starting to dawn on her...

N Corp Director
So let's make sure you stay safe.

N Corp Feather
Um. Thank you. For always helping me.
Someone who would look over the Wing in its entirety would generally be considered a person nobody should cross badly. Vediovis understood this very well when they first applied to work for N Corp. That in mind, as Hermann makes sure she can come to work tomorrow, they wonder what exactly warranted an action as kind as the feeling of being dried off.

N Corp Feather
Will this affect my job in any way? I can work extra hours to make up for it.

N Corp Director
You don't have to do any of that, you know. A small accident isn't the end of the world.

N Corp Director
I just think it would be ideal to see you every day, is all.

N Corp Feather
Y-Yes, Director. I'll be more careful next time.
To see her every day? Before she can think further, Hermann stands up and smiles.

N Corp Director
I will ask the others to find extra clothing. You can work after changing. Don't go anywhere.
She walks off, leaving Vediovis confused and almost bewildered. The cold air didn't seem much of a bother in comparison to whatever happened just now.

N Corp Feather
(What does that mean...?)
There was no room to think about it too much. She will work again tomorrow, and whether they will see Hermann around again is a mystery. Though, some part of them wishes to make more mistakes just to get the director's attention more.
...Such thoughts will need to be addressed someday, but not now. Vediovis shivers a bit, waiting.